Sunday, June 21, 2020

Destination Graduation!

When I'm not stamping or krafting I am a highschool teacher. I used to teach drama but I'm moving onto new things!!! 
As a highschool teacher I have a TA/homeroom of 23 students. I have been with these students through most of 3 years and I have been there for the good times and the bad. Every graduation year I make my graduates something to let them know how proud I am of them.  This year was different, I was not able to attend their graduation but I still want them to know how proud I am of them. 
Today I am krafting away so I can mail them all to my kids. 
I'm so proud of them!!! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Way to Goat!!!

Oh my goodness! 
Way to Goat is adorable!!! I do enjoyed playing with this set. I giggled the entire time I was making this! Soooooo FUN. 
Get it here! 

Monday, June 8, 2020

The deal of the year!!!

Oh. My. Goodness!!!! 
Stampin'up is giving away aFREE bundle with every starter kit! This is crazy insane! It can be worth any amount and it is free!!! 
This is the best deal I have seen so far!!! Plus, you get invited to exclusive events, team meetings, demonstrator groups, and get a fantastic DISCOUNT!!! 
message me for details on this amazing offer and become part of my team!!! 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Team Meetings

One part of belonging to the stampin'up family I love the most is the people I have met. There are so so so many great people invoked in stampin'up and it is literally a family.   Every month we have a team meeting where we usually get to see each other, be worth each other, create together, laugh together and learn together. My upline Rose Marie Coleman hosts these meetings and I truly learn so much and leave inspired everytime! 
We always create something new or have a creative challenge at these meetings so I've posted what I made below! 
Now, is definitely the best time to join the stampin'up family because of all of the free stuff they are giving away!!! Message me to join this incredible group of crafters or with any questions you have at 😁 
Here is what I made!!! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Playing with World of Good

Today, while trying not to freak out at my entire family, I decided to lock myself away in my kraftorium!!! 
I picked up the site one been working on and just started to create! I love how I feel after I have created something and I love how focused my brain feels while it's creating something. 
This is what I created using the new set World of Good from there new catalogue going live tomorrow!!!
Check out my lives and other fun things on my Facebook page KraftyKristaW!